
Similar to the skin and other tissues in our body, the structure of our intimate areas undergoes natural changes such as aging, shrinking, and loosening. These changes can be exacerbated by the effects of childbirth and menopausal hormones, producing more severe aging symptoms. Since the intimate area can be considered akin to a woman’s “second face”, it requires delicacy and care to maintain a healthy appearance. Viveve uses a patented “Thermage RF technology with cooling system” that stimulates collagen renewal and reorganization at a depth of approximately 5mm beneath the mucosal layer. This process promotes the tautening of mucosal tissue and the urethra and bladder wall muscles to tighten and contract, effectively improving issues related to relaxation, shrinkage, dryness in the intimate area, as well as urinary incontinence.

RF Exclusively for Vaginal Health
  • Developed and manufactured in the United States
  • Certifications from the US FDA + EU CE + Taiwan’s Ministry of Health and Welfare
  • Non-surgical, no wounds
  • Treatment feels warm and painless, and is clinically proven to be extremely safe
  • No recovery period, no impact on daily life
  • Visible treatment effects after one session
  • 30-minute treatment time

Postpartum women, as well as those experiencing vaginal looseness, urinary incontinence, vaginal atrophy, dryness, and individuals who want to prevent natural signs of aging in their intimate areas.

Pregnant women, those with inflammation or infection at the treatment area, individuals with herpes simplex infections in the treatment area, those currently menstruating, and postpartum women with lochia or other undiagnosed vaginal bleeding.

The Viveve treatment is painless and non-invasive, and you may experience only a slight warmth during the session.

The treatment takes about 30 minutes.

Clinical studies suggest that a single Viveve treatment can significantly improve symptoms. In more severe cases, a second treatment may be recommended by a doctor, or they may recommend Viveve combined with intimate area laser therapy.

After treatment, most patients typically start feeling improvement within one to three months. The greatest improvements are typically observed between three to six months after the treatment.

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Please be reminded that the content and images of this article are intended for the dissemination of medical information alone.
All the featured photos are from actual treatments captured in the clinic and have been used with the patient’s consent. Any surgical or medical procedure comes with risks, and results may vary from one person to another. Treatment outcomes and degree of improvement should be evaluated by the doctor through a face-to-face consultation.